International Women's Day Special

Wednesday, 10 March 2021 - 5:30pm to 6:00pm

Fiona welcomes Pam Young back to the show, and chats to Kobi Maglen on this International Women's Day special.  We hear about the disparity in retirement incomes for older women, which leaves them in poverty and at risk of homelessness in their later years.  We chat about Pam's experiences in growing up in public housing in the 1950's.  And we hear a recording from the late Molly Hadfield, a feminist activist and one of our earliest members, talking about what it means to have safe and well connected housing. 

Dozens of HAAG members and staff stand in front of a quilted banner, their first raised in the air. The banner reads Housing for the Aged Action Group, housing for the aged is a right not a privilege.
Wednesday 5:30pm to 6:00pm
Housing for the Aged Action Group presents a show exploring a range of housing issues.


Housing for the Aged Action Group
