Big Housing For Who? | 3CR Community Radio

Big Housing For Who?

Wednesday, 24 March 2021 - 5:30pm to 6:00pm
Photo of a public housing high rise

Katelyn Butterss from the Victorian Public Tenants Association talks to Shane and Fiona about the Vic government's so-called 'big housing spend' and proposed ten-year housing strategy - the good, the bad, and the just plain missing in the state's housing policy. The consultation discussed in this episode is now closed, but you can read more about it and follow future progress here(link is external). If you need advice or assistance from the VPTA, you can call 1800 015 510 or email enquiries@vpta.org.au(link sends e-mail). And you can find out more about HAAG at our website, oldertenants.org.au

Dozens of HAAG members and staff stand in front of a quilted banner, their first raised in the air. The banner reads Housing for the Aged Action Group, housing for the aged is a right not a privilege.
Wednesday 5:30pm to 6:00pm
Housing for the Aged Action Group presents a show exploring a range of housing issues.


Housing for the Aged Action Group
