Local solutions to older women's homelessness | 3CR Community Radio

Local solutions to older women's homelessness

Wednesday, 12 January 2022 - 5:30pm to 6:00pm

We pay tribute to our long-time member Richard Tate who sadly passed away late last year, and play a short clip from his talk to the Unitarian Church about the importance of public housing. 

We hear from panellists who spoke at last year's At Risk Forum about local solutions to older women's homelessness. First we hear from Erin Dolan, Lord Mayor's Charitable Foundation, about the foundations Affordable Housing Challenge funding. Then we hear from Rebecca Oelkers, CEO of the Brisbane Housing Company about their older women's housing project. The panel is hosted by Dr Kate Raynor from Melbourne University.

You can watch the complete video of the panel here(link is external)

Dozens of HAAG members and staff stand in front of a quilted banner, their first raised in the air. The banner reads Housing for the Aged Action Group, housing for the aged is a right not a privilege.
Wednesday 5:30pm to 6:00pm
Housing for the Aged Action Group presents a show exploring a range of housing issues.


Housing for the Aged Action Group
