Will Studd and the fight for raw milk cheese - Part 1

Sunday, 5 May 2019 - 7:00am to 7:30am
Will Studd

This month on Herds and Curds, Carmen and Leanne chat to raw milk cheese advocate Will Studd about his life in cheese. This is a two part special. Part 2 will continue to follow Will's campaign for Australia to follow international common practice in allowing raw milk products to be available for import and production. The live program will air on the first Sunday of June at 7am on 3CR 855AM and be available via podcast. 

Instagram: @willstudd


Herds and Curds presenter, Carmen, herding goats in the alps
Sunday 7:00am to 7:30am
Conversations with farmhouse cheese makers and dairy producers.


Carmen Bateson and Leanne McLean
