What deep-sea mining would mean, Australia's treatment of asylum-seekers, Campaign against the cashless debit card, Bob Hawke's role in seeking to destroy left of trade union movement & secret dealings with CIA Pt. 1 | 3CR Community Radio

What deep-sea mining would mean, Australia's treatment of asylum-seekers, Campaign against the cashless debit card, Bob Hawke's role in seeking to destroy left of trade union movement & secret dealings with CIA Pt. 1

Tuesday, 17 August 2021 - 4:00pm to 6:00pm

Tuesday Hometime 17 August 2021


His week that was – Mr Kevin Healy

Deep Sea Mining – what is would mean – Dr Helen Rosenbaum

Australia’s treatment of asylum seekers – Max Costello

Campaign against the cashless debit card – Kathryn Wilkes

Part 1 the role of Bob Hawke in seeking to destroy the left of the trade union movement and his secret dealings with the CIA – Jim Mcillroy