Interview with Jerusalem Peace Prize 2023-24 recipient | Current situation in Palestine and Union Aid Abroad - APHEDA | Devastating story of two mines in PNG and Bougainville | Story of prizewinning Bougainville artist Taloi Havini | 3CR Community Radio

Interview with Jerusalem Peace Prize 2023-24 recipient | Current situation in Palestine and Union Aid Abroad - APHEDA | Devastating story of two mines in PNG and Bougainville | Story of prizewinning Bougainville artist Taloi Havini

Tuesday, 6 February 2024 - 4:00pm to 6:00pm


 Interview with recipient of Jerusalem (Al Quds) Peace Prize Dr Helen McCue(link is external)

 Ken Davis from APHEDA - Union Aid Abroad talking about the aid organization in Palestine and the current situation,

 Story of two mines which have devastated peoples’ lives and environment:

 Porgera in PNG with Catherine Coumans from MiningWatch Canada,

 Panguna in Bougainville with activist Vikki John - who also talks about an amazing Bougainville artist Taloi Havini and her winning a major arts prize in the UK.