Threat to democracy: The case for sacking Tange and Pezzullo | The constitution and how to change it without really trying | Closer ties between Australia and The Philippines in preparing for war with China | GeneEthics Network and genetic engineering

Tuesday, 3 October 2023 - 4:00pm to 6:00pm


 His Week That Was – Kevin Healy

 Professor Emeritus Stuart Rees and author and journalist Brian Toohey talk about two men - who in their time make a mockery of our so called democracy. Mike Pezzulo in 2023 and Sir Arthur Tange in the 1970’s.

 Marxist historian and author Humphrey McQueen on the constitution and how to change it without really trying

 Activist and journalist Peter Murphy warning about the closer and closer ties between the Philippines and Australia in preparing for war against China

 Bob Phelps, Executive Director of the GeneEthics Network, and why be should be concerned about genetic engineering.

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