What is Honest History? | Release of the the Australian declassified 2023 Defence Strategic Review | A future without a monarchy | History of Ecuador, Pt. 1 | 3CR Community Radio

What is Honest History? | Release of the the Australian declassified 2023 Defence Strategic Review | A future without a monarchy | History of Ecuador, Pt. 1

Tuesday, 2 May 2023 - 4:00pm to 6:00pm

 His Week That Was Kevin Healy

 What is honest history? We find out from David Stephens, editor of the website Honest History(link is external)

 The Australian government releases the declassified 2023 Defence Strategic Review. Is it Australian and is it defensive? – Dr Sue Wareham, President of the Medical Association For the Prevention Of War (MAPW)

 The Queen is dead, long live the King. Or should we have a socialist’s republic? Marxist historian and author Humphrey McQueen believes we should.

 Part 1 of the history of Ecuador in South America. The country that stood up to the US and UK and supported Julian Assange PhD candidate and journalist Sasha Gillies-Lekakis

 Head to www.3cr.org.au/hometime-tuesday for full access to links and previous podcasts