And This One's Introduced By... Gareth Skinner introduces the songs from his album Off // Axis

Wednesday, 3 July 2024 - 11:00pm to Thursday, 4 July 2024 - 12:30am
Gareth Skinner on And This One's Introduced By... with Dr Gonzo on 3CR

Melbourne musician, composer and cellist Gareth Skinner has been recording and performing since 1992 as a member of the well loved psychedelic group The Ergot Derivative. Gareth was also a member of prog rock influenced band bZARK and he went on to contribute his music to a variety of film soundtracks including Crackerjack, Tacklehappy and Boytown. 

Gareth has released a large body of work over the years much of it available on his Bandcamp page.

The latest album Off //Axis elegantly combines his patented "cello pop-tones of the void" with elevated post-punk atmospherics was recorded at Headgap studios and released by Kasumuen Records.

Gareth Skinner joins Dr Gonzo to present the songs from his album Off //Axis on And This One's Introduced By… 


Please support the artist and hear more music at Gareth's Bandcamp page HERE

Dr Gonzo presents And This One's Introduced By... on Community Radio 3CR
Wednesday 11:00pm to 12:30am
Each week a different artist/band introduces the songs from their album or a retrospective of their work. It's free of a formal interview agenda and gives the artists space to tell their stories.


