Councillor Jamal Hakim, City of Melbourne; Rainbow Flag Removal at Australian Catholic University, Noah Riseman; Otto & Astrid Rot from Die Roten Punkte | 3CR Community Radio

Councillor Jamal Hakim, City of Melbourne; Rainbow Flag Removal at Australian Catholic University, Noah Riseman; Otto & Astrid Rot from Die Roten Punkte

Friday, 24 March 2023 - 4:00pm to 5:00pm
Councillor Jamal Hakim, City of Melbourne; Rainbow Flag Removal at Australian Catholic University, Noah Riseman; Otto & Astrid Rot from Die Roten Punkte

Otto & Astrid Rot

Jamal Hakim, Noah Riseman, Otto & Astrid Rot interviews with James McKenzie.

  Councillor Jamal Hakim discusses leading the Creative portfolio at the City of Melbourne and reflects on the transphobic protests in Melbourne last Saturday.

  Noah Riseman discusses the removal of Rainbow flags at Australian Catholic University.  Starts 22:38 minutes.

  Die Roten Punkte duo Otto & Astrid Rot discuss their Melbourne International Comedy Festival show 'Otto & Astrid's Joint Solo Project'. Starts 40:53 minutes.

  https://www.comedyfestival.com.au/2023/shows/otto-astrid-s-joint-solo-pr...(link is external)

  Sovereignty was never ceded.  3CR broadcasts from the stolen lands of the Kulin Nation.