Amy Ciara.
Kill Your Lawn and Kick Your Fence!
A show about how we live in cities and suburbs and the ideologies that underpin them. How much have they really changed in the last 100 years? How does current design fail to build community and climate resilience? How does the Terra Nullius mindset still permeate how we are entitled to land and resources? What can we do to have better suburbs and cities for life on this planet?
Want to reach out to the show? Email me by clicking the email button above or head to @3CR_Kill_Your_Lawn, on Instagram.
Episode 1 22/11/2024 (individual episode pages comming soon!)
A manifesto on the content and apppoach of the show, whith a little taster of what's to come in future episodes.
Declare Independence - Björk
1010th Day of the Human Totem Pole - Captain Beefheart and his Magic Band
River of Tears - Kev Carmody
Little Billy (abridged) - Sally Suze
Don't You Know - Gravel Samwidge + Paul Kidney
Note 18/12/2024:
I (Amy) made a comment about Muammar Gaddafi. After feedback and listening to a number of conversations on Western Imperialism. I made an ignorant comment that I want to retract and apologise. I spoke of how Libya backed the IRA significantly and built an alliance against western imperialism. I then made ignorant and un-nuanced comment that the independant Ireland "ditched Gaddafi as a tyranical dictator." It really was a poor take considering I went on to talk about disaster capitalism and western imperialism. I am aware that under Fianna Fáil Ireland got to join the wealth and benefits of the West. I understand now tha Libya, it's people and Northern Africa has suffered from this. Being accountable is extremely to me and welcome any further feedback from the community.
Episode 2 13/22/2024
Episode 2 of Kill Your Lawn and Kick Your Fence is all about water in our cities and suburbs! First up we listen to host of Yillamin, Keiran Stewart-Asherton chat with Dr Kate Harriden about First Nations water rights and decolonisation. Kate is an exceptional academic and Wiradjuri woman working to help First Nations people to reclaim their water rights and decolonise our water systems.
Following this I introduce you to our publically managed water systems in so-called Australia. Starting with how there are issues with the ways we sell water on the water markets and how from a broader systemic lense our capitalist/settler-colonial mindset is failing to ensure there is adequate water for future generations.
Links from Dr Kate Harriden:
Sources for Amy's section:
Other Shows Mentioned in this Episode:
Episode 3 27/12/2024
An episode about the increasing policing and criminalising of dissent AKA 'protest rights.' KYL&KYF will be returning to the topics of prison and police abolition, as one of the core philosophies of the show, is to replace these with decentralised community based restorative justice. Prisons and the police act as agents of state and copporate based institutions of tyrrany and oppresion.
Part 1(link is external) of this episode is my annalyses of the new victorian social cohesion laws after the attack on the Adass Israel Synagogue. I draw mostly on George Orwell's ideas of thought crime and doublethink. Orwell was a staunch English Socialist, who unapologetically critised tyrrany on either side of the political spectrum. From his critiques came his final book 1984 (originally titled 1948), where Orwell drew inspiration from the censureship of his critiscims of the USSR and Stalin during the Second World War(link is external), during his attempts to publish Animal Farm. It is my argument, in this segment, that with the media our state and federal governments are taking an authoritain stance against our rights to dissent.
Some Christmas silliness(link is external) - A bit of satire exposing Santa as the capitalist scum we all know him to be.
Part 2(link is external) features field recording from Disrupt Land Forces, September 2024. These recordings focus on accounts of police violence used against protestors. There will be of these played in future episodes of the show.
Sources and links from this episode:
Episode 4 10/01/2025
Lawns and Liberalisms: A Tale of Two Steve's
In this episode I walk us through a bit of the history of Liberalism, it's many permutations and how these have come to inform our entitlements around space, private property and breakdowns in political discourse. It is of course not the complete story of how we live in the cities and suburbs but it gives us some insight into the paradigms that have literally built our society and urban environments. It is all delivered in the form of a quaint and cheeky short story.
While I am well aquainted with the critiques of Liberalisms I read the following books to avoid misrepresenting the ideas:
Episode 5 24/01/2025
Gentrification, Neoliberalism and Queer struggles
In this episode we start the topic of gentrification and the queer's community complex relationship to it. Listen to annalysis and current queer struggles in relation surving this massive societal issue. This episode is in conversation with Vasi and Sai-Yung, queer activists resisting the neoliberal aquistion of pride and survivng the unceratinty of living as marginalised people in a society that is constantly pushing them out.
Resources Mentioned: