Narcotics Anonymous - Emma and Kiandra | 3CR Community Radio

Narcotics Anonymous - Emma and Kiandra

Thursday, 27 September 2018 - 1:00pm to 2:00pm
NA - Beyond our wildest dreams

NA - Beyond our wildest dreams

Emma grew up with a dad who was a sailor and absent for long periods. Her siblings were pretty successful but she felt like she didn’t fit in and was picked on as a kid.  Emma’s sister started her drinking as an 8 year old and she progressed to pot at 13 and drugs at 15.  A friend gave her heroin at 17 to lose weight and she was hooked from the start. Emma got involved in violent relationships and had a child at 20 and twins a few years later. She got onto ice and had her children removed as she was deemed to be a hopeless addict. Emma had a spiritual awakening and was able to stay off the drugs for a year before she found Narcotics Anonymous and her recovery began.  Now in NA for over 2 years Emma can now look forward to tomorrow and is enjoying studying and her involvement in youth work.

Kiandra lived a pretty sheltered life, was a high achiever at school but felt like the black sheep of the family.  In early high school she had some mental health issues and started to self-harm.  Kiandra started using marijuana as a 13 year old and found it helped her cope with her messy life, including a pregnancy, miscarriage and time in a psych ward. Around 18 she fell into a relationship with an abusive ice addict, started using ice as well and over 3 years continued to leave him only to return shortly after.  Rehab was the turning point and provided access to NA, which gave her hope for the future. Now with 2 ½ years clean, a partner in active NA recovery and a 6 month old child Kiandra has every reason to love life.

If you have a problem with drugs of any kind, you can call the Narcotics Anonymous helpline on 1300 652 820 or 0488 811 247 or go online at na.org.au.

Living Free

Living Free

Thursday 1:00pm to 2:00pm
Talk on substance misuse, alcoholism and other addictions. Information on support groups is given.


The Living Free Crew
