Jeff had a pretty easy start to life but found alcohol and drugs in his mid-teens. He didn’t like the taste of alcohol initially but enjoyed the effect. Alcohol was part of his early working life and drugs and alcohol played a large part in his social life as well. Jeff knew that he drank differently but couldn’t stop; eventually his drinking affected his job and relationships. He found recovery in Alcoholics Anonymous and has been in AA for over 13 years now.
Christina had a very difficult childhood, including domestic abuse and violence. She left school in her mid-teens and tried alcohol a few years later. She didn’t like the taste of alcohol initially and certainly didn’t enjoy the way it affected her. Christina married early and found having young children made her situation worse. Her second husband was abusive and her drinking increased and her mental health suffered. A friend who was a member of Alcoholics Anonymous helped her into recovery and Christina feels that AA really saved her life.
If you think that alcohol may be a problem then Alcoholics Anonymous could help you. Give them a call on 1300 222 222 or see their website
The Living Free Crew