Alcoholics Anonymous - Fleur

Thursday, 19 January 2023 - 1:00pm
Keep coming back in text with pink sunrise and text

Fleur’s story of recovery reflects the true meaning of the saying in the rooms of AA “Keep coming back”. Fleur never felt comfortable in her own skin growing up. She reflects on the different toxic behaviours she used as a child before picking up a drink to make her feel safe, like obsessive compulsion, food and self-harm.


Coming from a small country town and being the youngest of five girls (including a twin), she got in trouble a lot in at school and quickly turned to drinking in her early teens to try and ease her fear and anxiety. When Fleur picked up her first drink she thought she had found her solution for life. Years passed and after “getting” all the material things society told her she needed (marriage, home, great job) she found her drinking and substance use had escalated and she had become a daily top up drunk. This started her journey in and out of short and long term detoxes and rehabs, along with the rooms and program of Alcoholics Anonymous.


In 2022, Fleur had her turning point and is currently over 9 months sober and living a peaceful, happier life using the tools of the Alcoholics Anonymous program.


If you think that alcohol may be a problem, then Alcoholics Anonymous could help you. Give them a call on 1300 222 222 or see their website


#Recovery #Alcoholism #Anonymous #LivingFree #Sobriety


Show your support to the Living Free show:

Living Free
Thursday 1:00pm to 2:00pm
Talk on substance misuse, alcoholism and other addictions. Information on support groups is given.


The Living Free Crew
