A Merry-go-round Named Denial

Thursday, 6 June 2024 - 1:00pm to 2:00pm
Alcoholism knows no boundaries

This week on the Living Free show, Ann reads from the Al-Anon pamphlet A Merry-Go-Round Named Denial which outlines unhelpful ways well-meaning people surrounding alcoholics, including those closest to them, fall into unhelpful roles that contribute to the perpetuation of the illness.

The pamphlet is available here https://al-anon.org.au/shop/a-merry-go-round-named-denial/

If you would like to contact Al-Anon go to https://al-anon.org.au/. Here you will find lots of helpful information, including literature and lists of on-line and face-to-face meetings.

You can also call them on 1300 252 666 

During the month of June 3CR raises the funds required to keep the radio station on air. Please support the Living Free show by going here https://www.3cr.org.au/  and clicking the Donate button.


Living Free
Thursday 1:00pm to 2:00pm
Talk on substance misuse, alcoholism and other addictions. Information on support groups is given.


The Living Free Crew
