The United African Farm with Co-founder Thuch Ajak

Sunday, 3 March 2024 - 10:00am to 10:30am
The United African Farm, Cardinia.

Thuch Ajak spent his early years in refugee camps, having been displaced by war in his homeland, South Sudan. He returned to South Sudan full of optimism when peace was restored in 2006, gaining a BSc in Agricultural Science and working to rebuild the country using his expertise in crop protection. But the peace was short-lived and Thuch sought safety by leaving again, eventually finding himself a new home in Australia. Finding that his qualifications were not recognised here, he began volunteering at CERES, soon met a like-minded community builder in Mama Queyea and together, with the support of the wider community, founded the 3 acre United African Farm. Here African people from diverse nations can join together to share traditional knowledge and grow food, as they did in their home lands. 

Local Food Connections thanks Formidable Vegetable for their song You Are What You Eat