National Science Week 2022 | 3CR Community Radio

National Science Week 2022

Thursday, 11 August 2022 - 8:30am to 9:00am
How will you science this National Science Week? 13-21 August 2022, scienceweek.net.au #scienceweek

How will you science this National Science Week? 13-21 August 2022, scienceweek.net.au #scienceweek

Stu and Claire give us a run down of events in Melbourne, in Victoria, around the country and online for National Science Week (13-21 August 2022), including the schools program based on the International Year of Glass. And Claire gives a taste of questions for Lost in Science's annual trivia night on Monday 15 August. Find out more about National Science Week at scienceweek.net.au(link is external)

Claire, Chris & Stu

The Lost in Science team

Thursday 8:30am to 9:00am
Entertaining news and discussion about research that has impact on society and providing a wide range of science and technology news. Distributed nationally on the Community Radio Network.


Chris Lassig, Stuart Burns and Claire Farrugia and others.
