Mafalda | 3CR Community Radio


Friday 6:30pm to 7:30pm
News and views of Spanish speaking women with a Feminist perspective.

Natalia Cárdenas, Katherine Vega Garzon and Vicky Ferrada.



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About Mafalda

Mafalda is a feminist program created in 1991 by a group of concerned Spanish speaking women; with the purpose of raising awareness and providing information to the Spanish community about the issue of Family Violence and it's repercussions in society.

Throughout the years many women and some men have committed, participated and collaborated with the program making sure this important radio program continues on air, providing a community service to the Spanish speaking community as a whole.

The broadcasters are committed to social justice, women's rights, gender equity and safety and the on-air show reflects those fundamental principles.

Presenters:  Natalia Cárdenas, Katherine Vega Garzon and Vicky Ferrada.

Podcast:  Marta Ferrada - For many, many years... Gracias Marta! 


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Mafalda es un programa feminista creado en 1991 for un grupo de mujeres de habla Hispana con el propósito de crear concienca y proveer información acerca de la Violencia Familiar y sus repercusiones en la sociedad; dirigido a la comunidad hispano hablante.

A traves de los años muchas mujeres y algunos hombres, se han comprometido, participado y colaborado con el programa; asegurandose que este importante programa radial continua saliendo al aire.

Las locutoras Vicky y Cristina, y todas las invitadas tienen un comprpmiso con la Justicia Social, Derechos de las mujeres, Igualdad de Género y Seguridad y el programa Mafalda refleja estos principios fundamentales.