Combating Modern Slavery, Beckham & Toxic Parenting in Sport, Nup to the Cup, Friendships-Community living in share houses

Monday, 30 October 2023 - 7:00am to 8:30am
Nup to the Cup
Grace speaks with Helena Hassani, human rights advocate and campaigner for the prevention of child and forced marriage and family violence. We discussed the 'A survivor-led approach to combating modern slavery' event tomorrow, 31 October 2023.
Time: 1.30-2.30 pm
Where: Online via Zoom
To register: Register link

James at Sporting Records spoke to Dr Mary Woessner, a Lecturer and Researcher at Victoria University within the Institute for Health and Sport, discussing the Beckham documentary and toxic parenting in sport. 

James & Rob spoke to the founder of The Coalition for the Protection of Racehorses and the Nup to the Cup campaign, and long-term animal activist, Elio Celotto, about his introduction to animal activism, the highly successful Nup to the Cup campaign and the horse racing industry in general.
For info on the reality behind horse racing, you can jump to and find studies, including the Deathwatch report that found 168 racehorses were killed during the 2023 horse racing season. For more info on alternatives to attending horseracing-related events on Melbourne Cup day, head to, where you can find official events nationwide. For those in Melbourne, you can check out the official Nup to the Cup event at the Kensington Bowling Club in Newmarket Reserve, where there will be a demonstration, live bands Play Lunch and the Tarantinos, fun human races and free bowls.
Rob spoke to Dr. Molly McKew, about the rise of friendship and community in Melbourne throughout the 60s and 70s - particularly among progressive young people. 
1. LI Abad by Lina Makoul 
2. In motion by Squid Nebula 
3. I feel love by Donna Summer