3CR Awards Night 2013

3CR Awards Night

Last Friday, 3CR programmers and volunteers came together to celebrate another year of radical and alternative broadcasting, and for the presentation of the 3CR Radio Awards. Congratulations to all the nominees and the winners! Read on for the full list of award recipients: Best New Program was awarded to both Refugee Radio and What’s the Score, $port?.

In another tie, The Best Outdoor or Special Broadcast went to Beyond the Bars, and also Brainwaves for special Mental Health Week programming. The award for Outstanding Radiothon Show went to Burning Vinyl for Live from The Old Bar. Pursuit of Truth was awarded to Jesse Boylan from Radioactive, for her piece Fukushima, 2 Years On. Once again the Oops did that go to air? blooper award went to James McKenzie from In Ya Face. Hip Sista Hop took out Best Music Programming, and West Papua Freedom Flotilla sailed away with the Community Engagement award. The Trainers Award went to trainer extraordinare Dale Bridge, while McDonalds Tecoma, Talkback on the street (or Talkback with McAttitude) was awarded the How To Make Trouble Award. The final award, Spirit of 3CR was awarded by the 3CR Committee of Manangement to the highly skilled programmer, volunteer, and trainer Nicky Stott. Congratulations to all the 3CR broadcasters for a fantastic year. Summer Programming starts shortly, so make sure you stay tuned to 3CR over summer for guest programmers and summer specials!