3CR Film Fundraiser - Pride | 3CR Community Radio

3CR Film Fundraiser - Pride

3CR Film Fundraiser

3CR Film Fundraiser

Bring your friends for a movie night out at 3CR’s screening of the new political comedy ‘Pride’ on Thursday 6 November. Set in the Margaret Thatcher’s England in the summer of 84, ‘Pride’ is the story of how a London-based group of gay and lesbian activists join forces with the National Union of Mineworkers to raise money to support the strikers' families. 

As the strike drags on, these two unlikely forces discover that standing together makes for the strongest union of all. 3CR is Screening ‘Pride’ at the Westgarth Cinema on Thursday November 6 at 6.30pm. Tickets are $20 concession and $25 full price. You can buy your tickets online here or drop into the station at 21 smith st Fitzroy during business hours. Call or email Loretta(link sends e-mail) on 9419 8377 for more info. 

Check out the trailer here.(link is external)

Pride Film Tickets