3CR T-Shirt Design Competition
Are you a graphic designer, artist or even a doodler? We are looking for a new T-Shirt design made by lovers of 3CR for our next run of T-shirts! There is a $200 cash prize for the winner, so get creative and send in your design! Competition closes 30 September.
3CR T-shirt Competition Entry Conditions:
All formats accepted (digital and hardcopy)
Front T-shirt image only required
3 Colours maximum
Must either contain words: 3CR Community Radio 855AM or the logo (logo can be provided on request)
Themes: independent media, voice of dissent, diverse, radical, spreading seeds of dissent
Competition closes 30 September 2014
Entries to be judged by 3CR Promotions Sub-Committee
Winners to be notified and promoted on 3cr.org.au
Submissions to: 21 smith St Fitzroy marked ‘T-shirt Competition’ during business hours or email file or any questions to Loretta admin@3cr.org.au(link sends e-mail).