Commit to Community Radio - National Day of Action Wednesday 13th March

Commit to Community Radio

3CR launched its digital radio service in April 2011 - but now community digital radio services across Australia are at risk. The Government committed $2.2 million to fund digital community services for four years, but $3.6 million is required to maintain these services in Sydney, Melbourne, Adelaide, Brisbane and Perth. Without action this shortfall means all of the community digital radio services will have to be switched off in at least two of the five capital cities currently broadcasting. It could be Melbourne!

In a recent article in The Australian, Commercial Radio Australia (a large lobbying force representing commercial broadcasters) announced that they will be pushing for an analogue switch-off as soon as a commercial digital roll-out to the regions is complete – the soonest they see this happening is 2021. That’s only eight years away!

If community radio is cut out of digital broadcasting now, and AM broadcasting switched off, it could mean that there is no place for community radio in the future.

3CR is asking YOU to join the campaign to save the future of community radio.

* Visit the website and sign the petition
* Call Julia Gillard 03 9742 5800
* Call Stephen Conroy 03 9650 1188
* Write letters to your local member


Listen to 3CR's special report The Future of Community Radio's Digital Service is at Risk Listen to the program (14.4MB / 38min)

In this Special Report, four Community Radio representatives take us through the policy, technical and funding issues that are placing the future of Community Radio at risk. We dig into the nitty gritty of how digital radio works, why it's been introduced and the campaign that's fighting to ensure community radio isn't locked out of this digital future.

Producer: Emma De Campo

Featuring: Adrian Basso, President of the Community Broadcasting Association of Australia (CBAA) and  Station Manager at 3PBS Radio

Cameron Paine, Technical Manager at 3MBS Radio and Chairman of the Digital Representative Company (DRC)

Ellie Rennie, (Associate Professor) Deputy Director of the Swinburne Institute for Social Research

Marian Prickett, Station Manager at 3CR Radio