Mamdouh Habib Speaks

Former Guantanamo Detainee, Mamdouh Habib, is speaking in Melbourne on..

6:30pm Wednesday 3rd of December
Trades Hall, Victoria

Mamdouh Habib has been one of the many victims of the War on Terror.

Branded a terrorist, Habib was arrested in 2001 and imprisoned and tortured in Pakistan, Afghanistan and Egypt, before being sent to Guantanamo Bay for 2 years, alongside David Hicks.

It was here he was tortured by US soldiers, heavily drugged, deprived of sleep for weeks, beaten, given electric shocks, repeatedly injected with a needle in the same place so that it became terribly painful, left naked in freezing rooms for hours on end in isolation and threatened with rape.
In 2005 he was released without any charge.

Upon returning to Australia, Habib and his family have suffered police surveillance, threats of violence, and even assault by NSW police, yet received no compensation.

This special meeting will feature Mamdouh Habib discussing his new book and giving a first hand account of the brutality of the United States, and will expose the War on Terror for being a War OF Terror.


Panel also includes:

Rob Stary
Civil Liberties lawyer involved in defending "terror" suspects Jack Thomas, and members of the Barwon 12

Vashti Kenway
Leading member of Socialist Alternative

6:30pm Wednesday 3rd of December
Trades Hall (Corner Lygon and Victoria Streets, Carlton)

Sponsored by Socialist Alternative
For more info ph: 0402 175 330

Public meeting with Mamdouh Habib discussing his new book My Story: the Terrorist Who Wasn't.

Presented by Socialist Alternative.