May Day Celebrations 2019 | 3CR Community Radio

May Day Celebrations 2019

Unskilled work doesn't exist - banner

Unskilled work doesn't exist - banner

Celebrate May Day 2019 with us this Wednesday 1 May. Each year, communities from around the world join in celebrating the achievements of the labour movement and show solidarity with the continued struggle for labour rights everywhere. Kick off your May Day at 7am with a serve of solidarity and resistance. Hear perspectives from the frontline of workers' movements, May Day – The Facts! Music from the workers, Reclaiming Australia's radical past, Latin American women in unions, First Nations sovereignty + community activists on all things work and solidarity. Wednesday, 1 May, 7am - 7pm. Listen via 855AM, digital radio, and streaming live.  You can check out the day's programming schedule here.