Suffering from the fallout of capitalist excesses? Take some light relief by joining 3CR broadcasters and actors Chris Gaffney (Keep Left and Great Voices), Susanna Duffy (Left After Breakfast) and their fellow 'cast of no
hopers' in this hilarious short comedy about job networks.
All proceeds of the DVD go to 3CR... 3CR then do so now!! We need all Radiothon pledges paid up. We need to reach our target to stay on air another year.
Independent media is not a given but only a reality if you continue to personally support it financially. 3CR may have been on air since 1976 but it's not an immutable law that we continue to be here.....WE DEPEND ON YOUR SUPPORT TO CONTINUE SO DONATE!!
3CR's live prison broadcasts, unique in Australia, go to air this NAIDOC Week. Tune into Dame Phyllis Frost Centre on Monday July 6, 11 – 2pm; Barwon Prison on Tuesday July 7, 11 – 2pm; Fulham Prison (pre-recorded) on Wednesday July 8, 12 – 2pm; and Port Phillip Prison on Thursday July 9, 12 – 4pm.
Tune in to 3CR from 6 - 10 July for 3CR's annual week of special programming celebrating NAIDOC Week (5 - 12 July). Indigenous 3CR programs Good Job, Gecko's Show and new show Dgym Time (Friday 11am - 12 midday) will have a special focus on NAIDOC Week during their programs.