Summer programming 2018-2019 | 3CR Community Radio

Summer programming 2018-2019

Summer programming 2018-2019

Summer programming 2018-2019

3CR wishes our listeners and supporters all the best for a relaxing summer break, and looks forward to a year of political action and change in 2019. But remember, there's no need to change that dial! Listen up this summer for some great radio ... from psychedelic music to feminist perspectives - environmental blockading to rebel girls and wicked women ... and much, much more. Listen live, or listen back at your leisure - check out all the programming details and listen back to shows you may have missed here. As with previous years, on Christmas Day Tamil Voice will run a Radiothon from 9am - 6pm to raise funds for the Victorian Tamil Association Inc. The station's office will re-open on Wednesday 2 January.