Elizabeth Kourtis passed away on the 9th of January in Moe aged 86. Elizabeth was a long-time volunteer at 3CR and worked as the stations listener sponsor coordinator, reception volunteer and programmer, presenting the program Calling all Women, one of the very early programs on the 3CR grid, on-air until Elizabeth’s retirement in 2011. Elizabeth was a member of the Union of Australian Women, the Australian USSR friendship society and the Australian Bulgarian friendship society making a lasting contribution to the politics of these organisations and the politics and programming at 3CR. Through her work with the Australian USSR friendship society Elizabeth organised a significant financial contribution to the station, funds that will go towards replacing our roof. Over her many years as a volunteer and member of 3CR, Elizabeth’s contributions to our organisation made her a valued and important member of the 3CR community. Our sincere condolences to her family and her many friends and comrades within 3CR.