The ANZAC Myth

The ANZAC Myth is a publication created by 3CR's Joe Toscano from the Anarchist Media Institute - it seeks to dispel the myths surrounding ANZAC Day. Have a read and tune in to Anarchist World This Week each Wednesday from 10.00 - 11.00am for more analysis of our past and present. The booklet has been published to acknowledge the sacrifices made by those Australians who opposed conscription and Australia’s involvement in World War One. (Image by artist Syd Nicholls.The Direct Action cartoon which earned Tom Baker a sentence of twelve months imprisonment.)

And join us on Friday 22 April 7.00 - 8.30am for a Breakfast Anti-war Special featuring: Crispin Hull, Journalism Lecturer at the University of Canberra & former editor of the Canberra Times, on the role of the Military Industrial Complex in creating war. Michael Eisenscher, US Labor Against the War, on how American governments are cutting social spending to pay for war. Marilyn Lake, La Trobe University, on deconstructing the ANZAC myth. David Shoebridge, NSW Greens MP, on why the US is so scared of Bradley Manning who leaked US military documents to Wikileaks and Jiselle Hanna, Australia Asia Worker Links, on foreign military intervention in Libya.