* It's not too late to donate to Radiothon. Help keep us on air. Call 03 9419 8377 during office hours or go to www.3cr.org.au and follow the Radiothon links. No amount too small!Labor has moved an amendment that removes the inclusion of biomass sourced from native forest into the RET, which the Senate are debating and voting on as I write. We need to let them know that burning native forests for energy is anything but renewable and will drive more deforestation and species extinction.Phoning an MP isn't hard, nor is sending a short email to register your objection to including native forest wood in the RET as an eligible fuel source.Request that the Senators (below) vote for Labor's amendment.
Dio Wang (08) 9221 2233 senator.wang@aph.gov.auJohn Madigan (03) 5331 2321 senator.madigan@aph.gov.auBob Day (02) 6277 3373 senator.day@aph.gov.auJacqui Lambie (03) 6431 2233 senator.lambie@aph.gov.auHere is a link to the Australian Forests and Climate Alliance giving some useful information.
Climate Action Collective