Join us for Disability Day 2015 | 3CR Community Radio

Join us for Disability Day 2015

Bearbrass Asylum Orchestra perform live at Federation Square, 3CR Disability Day, 2013

Bearbrass Asylum Orchestra perform live at Federation Square, 3CR Disability Day, 2013

Join us for Disability Day 2015, Thursday 3 December, on air from 6.00am to 6.00pm. Twelve hours of radical radio by, for and about people with disability. It all starts with The Big Bold Breakfast of disability news and current affairs, followed by Spoken Word. Join the discussion on Talkback with Attitude from 9.30am on representations of disability in TV and movies. Showreel, Published... or Not, Roominations, Radical Philosophy, Are You Looking at Me and Global Intifada bring you coverage of philosophy, issues of drug and alcohol and homelessness, creative arts, writing and theatre, radical music, the list is enormous! Check out this year and previous Disability Day special broadcasts here.