This show was broadcast on Monday 17th April 2017
The Zero Carbon Australia Industry Plan is shaping up nicely. The Zero Carbon Industry and Cement research will be presented at Australian Manufacturing Week and at the Ecocity World Summit.
Listen in to hear BZE’s research director Michael Lord talk about zero carbon cement, renewable heat, zero carbon steel and how the circular economy can apply to Australia’s industry sectors.
Our interviewer is Erin Jones, a co-producer on the BZE Radio Community team.
Read more about the Zero Carbon Australia Industry Plan here. Watch a presentation here (November 2016).
Cement, steel, and in fact all energy-intensive materials, can be produced without fossil fuels! Who knew!
Cement can be made using fly-ash or using low-heat geo-polymers instead of limestone and coal, steel can be created from treating iron ore with hydrogen from excess renewable energy utilities, and we can use a range of off-the-shelf energy efficient appliances and technologies to create heat for industry, for everything from canning food to melting glass.
Climate Action Collective