Beyond Zero- Community

Monday, 15 May 2017 - 5:00pm to 6:00pm
This BZE Radio episode was broadcast on Monday 15th May 2017

“One of the common misconceptions is that a lot of the ERF money is for planting trees”  Jess Panegyres The Wilderness Society
    A transformation is beginning to get underway in the agricultural land uses sector. And not before time – without a much-needed U-turn, agriculture, especially northern zone export beef production, is set to be the single biggest GHG-emitting sector of Australia’s economy over the next 2 decades.
BZE’s Vivien Langford talks to two of Australia’s foremost landuse experts and a film maker about carbon sinks and the film Cultivating Murder.
  • Prof Brett Bryan – from Deakin University
  • Gregory Miller – Film Director of Cultivating Murder
  • Gerard Wedderburn-Bisshop – BZE Land Use Report author
     We are expecting a lot from the land: to feed us, to feed livestock, to fuel cars and now to draw down carbon. And the carbon is not just from coal-fired power, petrol and gas – the agriculture and land use industries themselves, including the 90% of land clearing conducted for northern rangelands cattle grazing, will be responsible for around half our national annual emissions over the coming two decades!


15 May 2017|Categories: Community Show

Monday 5:00pm to 6:00pm
Climate change - what's hot and what's not. Find out what is happening in community campaigns around the country, as well as the latest science and the solutions that are available now.


Climate Action Collective
