Val and Faith kick off the show on a glorious winter's morning with studio guest Kat Carter of Rehub Studios. We share our respective bike moments before moving on to some local news including; City of Melbourne to name and shame vehicles parked in bike lanes (and a handy link for reporting them yourself), VicRoads campaign of awareness about laws affecting cyclists use of the roads and Bicycle Network's support for 30kph speed limits.
We move onto bike fit and Kate takes us through the important elements of bike fit and how they interact with your own priorities, your body and the bike. We look at the most common injuries or concerns that can arise from incorrect bike fit, how your body works while it is on the bike and the ways in which you can identify that your fit on the bike might need adjusting. Kate leaves us with a couple of handy stretches that most cyclists will benefit from and illustrated in the photos below. You can find more information about bikefit here and a handy measurement process you can follow at home here. The Medicine of Cycling Group(US) also touches on much of what Kat discussed on the show for anyone who is interested in more information.
We didn't have time to run through upcoming events but you can take a look at WOCLE who are running a series of workshops for women in Melbourne's Inner North and also a seminar being presented soon by the Institute for Sustainable Transport.
Chris, Faith, Val and Steve