Anganwadi women health workers fighting for their rights in India

Saturday, 12 August 2017 - 9:00am to 9:30am

There are hundreds of thousands of rural health workers in India, called Anganwadi, that monitor and support the health and welfare of mothers and their children.

While they are implementing government programs, they are not employed directly by the government, but are treated as volunteers and given an honorarium instead of wages.

Tens of thousands of Anganwadi women have being on strike for over 45 days, demonstrating in New Delhi, demanding that they be employed as regular workers and receive the benefits that they are entitled to. Interview is conducted with an Anganwadi labour activist, who preferred to remain anonymous, and the interpreting is done by Vrishali Shruti.

Asia Pacific Currents provides updates of labour struggles and campaigns from the Asia Pacific region. It is produced by Australia Asia Worker Links, in the studio of 3CR Radio in Melbourne, Australia.


Saturday 9:00am to 9:30am
Stories and issues from the Asia Pacific region with a labour and grassroots perspective. Regular interviews with activists from countries in the Asia Pacific region. Produced by Australia-Asia Worker Links.


Australia Asia Worker Links
