‘concerned Australians’ (cA ) organised the launch of an Eminent Australian's statement calling for an end to the failed Northern Territory Interventionon August 28th at the Melbourne University Law School. Over 200 Eminent Australians put their name to this important statement found here . Professor Gillian Triggs, the immediate past President of the Australian Human Rights Commission, gave the first speech of the night. First Nation Eastern Arrernte woman Rosalie Kunoth- Monks OAM from the Utopia homelands, 250 Kms North East of Alice Springs, was one of four First Nations people present who also spoke up. You can hear Rosalie also in this interview.
‘concerned Australians' motto is Without Justice there can be no reconciliation
To listen to the full audio (2 hours) of the evening download the cA audio here.
"If you have come to help me, you are wasting your time. But if you have come because your liberation is bound up with mine, then let us work together."Lilla Watson and a group of Aboriginal activists in Queensland in the 1970s
Kevin Healy gives us a rundown of this weeks politics.
Bruce Pascoe's new book Dark Emu asks the question why are our school children not taught the true history of this land? Bruce was talking at the Fitzroy Town Hall about this and that.
Annie McLoughlin and Tobia Severi