Visions for sustainable cities

Tuesday, 26 September 2017 - 9:30am to 10:00am

How do you create a sustainable city? Maybe start with a tiny house or two, or even whole suburb full. Heather Shearer, researcher in the Cities Research Institute at Griffith Univesity has been investigating.

The Sustainable Cities campaign is relatively recent FoE initiative and Rachel Lynskey is the campaign's key co-ordinator. This week, she talks about her recent work around opposition to Transurban's $5.5 billion mega-toll road proposal - the so called 'Westgate tunnel'- and the kick-start Sustainable Cities campaign fundraiser, Walk This Way.

Dirt Radio is Friends of the Earth Melbourne's show on 3CR
Tuesday 9:30am to 10:00am
Friends of the Earth campaigners and activists dig down into the dirt on important environmental and social justice issues.


Friends of the Earth Crew
