7: Intro and welcome to country
7.03 Interview with Dick Nichols on the refrendum in Catalonia and the reaction of the Spaish government; The reaction from the EU and other countries; Response to the crack down on the referendum from the people of Catalonia and Spain and other political parties in Spain. Response to the royal intervention.
7.25: News from Green Left Weekly News paper: 50 years since the death of Che Guevara; The mellinials and their plight - jobless and homeless; Adani and extra information on this project supported by the state and federal governments; reaction to the NRL support for marriage equality; More deaths in custody- the continuation of the murder of more black lives in custody;
8.00; The activist calendar
8.10: Interview with Coral Wynter who traveled with an international delgation to Venezuela; discussion about the realities there and the strategies used by the right wing with the support of the USA and some surrounding countries;
8.23 Close program
Green Left Radio Collective