Timeless Battle | 3CR Community Radio

Timeless Battle

Wednesday, 20 December 2017 - 5:30pm to 6:00pm

who gets the rent?

Prof Michael Hudson, author of J is for Junk Economics and many others, joins to discuss the fight for the natural bounty of the earth, with his unique take on the Middle Ages. Watch out for our debate in the last third of the interview. Thanks for all your support over the year. ****FYI we’ve had some technical issues on the podcast so last week’s excellent podcast with Ben Phillips (ANU) can be found inserted in Oct 11th entitled “How the World Might Work”. Show notes - http://www.earthsharing.org.au/?p=5857

Renegade Economists logo

share the earth's worth to prosper sustainably

Wednesday 6:00pm to 6:30pm
To reforming economics as an interpretation of reality, rather than a diversion play for monopolists.


Karl Fitzgerald
