De Niro's Island Paradise Coup

Wednesday, 7 February 2018 - 5:30pm to 6:00pm

We forge ahead deeper into the disaster capitalism tearing at island life on Barbuda, one of the few remaining places on the planet where land hasn’t been commodified and the people thrown into a lifetime of debt. Teckla C Nega Melchior hits hard with one story after another revealing the levels of deceipt de Niro and Packer are pushing. Why is de Niro busy talking about global warming threats but still so enamored to be pushing this project upon a nation where the water table sits just two feet underground?

Show notes - De Niro's Island Paradise Coup

Renegade Economists logo
Wednesday 6:00pm to 6:30pm
To reforming economics as an interpretation of reality, rather than a diversion play for monopolists.


Karl Fitzgerald
