7:03am News -
Fix NSW transport rallyUS students protest, plan more walkouts for gun control7:16am Jacob and Zane interview
Vivien Langford from Beyond Zero Emissions about a recent listening tour visiting coal affected communities in the Hunter Valley and beyond, organised by
Lock The Gate. Vivien visited local campaigners form Bylong, Wollar, and Bulga who have been fighting a marathon battle against big coal. Veteran campaigner Bev Smiles and two co-defendants face
7 years jail under draconian new anti protest laws brought in by the NSW government.
7:35am Jacob and Zane have an extended interview with
Umesh Perinbanayagam who has been campaigning to stop the deportation of Asylum Seeker and former Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) member Saantharuban.
rallies and
blockades(link is external) were not able to prevent Saantharuban being deported from MITA to great danger in Sri Lanka, whose government is still controlled by the same people behind the genocidal massacres of 2009 which by some estimates killed
over 100,000 Tamil civilians.
8:08am activist calendar
8:15am Jacob and Zane speak with
Kamala Emanuel, Socialist Alliance member, feminist and spoken word artist, about access to abortion services in Australia and in New Zealand. If the ALP is elected and follows through with
recent announcements(link is external), Tasmania (which after a recent closure lacks a surgical abortion clinic) would become home to a publicly funded surgical abortion service. Service provision is uneven on the mainland.