Chinese Spies in Australia? West Gate Tunnel Pain, OTW, Getting Support for Workplace Injury | 3CR Community Radio

Chinese Spies in Australia? West Gate Tunnel Pain, OTW, Getting Support for Workplace Injury

Monday, 5 March 2018 - 7:00am to 8:30am

Excerpts from 3CR Community Radio's Monday Breakfast show || Senior lecturer in modern Chinese history at the USyd Dr David Brophy comes on the show to chat about Clive Hamilton's latest book on China "Silent Invasion". Dr Brophy wrote a critique for the ABR (Australian Book Review) || The West Gate Tunnel Project has seen a sudden shift of plans from the state Labor government, leaving many community groups frustrated with the lack of consultation. Concerned Spotswood resident Rosa comes on the phone to chat about the WGTP, its drawbacks and viable alternatives. Rosa is a representative of Better West aka Spotswood and South Kingsvile Resident's Group (SSKRG) || This week, Over the Wall continues its series on welfare policy changes that have impacted sole mothers || We speak to former bakery worker Nahid Pouresia and NUW representative Laura Beniak about the challenges facing workers who demand rights in the workplace