Climate Change, Memoleaves, Modern Slavery & the Zombie Shuffle

Wednesday, 24 October 2018 - 7:00am to 8:30am

Wednesday Breakfast rundown 24-10-2018

7:00 Acknowledgement of Country

7:10 Cam Walker from Friends of the Earth talks to us about the problems of Carbon Capture and Storage (GHGT-14) technologies: Expensive pandering to the coal industry. Not a solution to climate change.

7:20 Lauren Martyn to talk about progress in the Campaign for 10 days minimum bereavement leave.

7:36 Clare from Project Futures on modern slavery and the Bill currently before Parliament.

7:50 Alex Bhathal National Director of Repower Health and what health professions can do for climate change.

8:00 Rainforest Action Group, Mapuche (MASIL), Lasnet and other environmental groups actions to disrupt the 5th Annual International Mining and Resources Conference (IMARC) in Melbourne next week. Check out the Zombie Shuffle: black coal canapes and tailings martinis anyone?

8:15 Slutwalk fundraiser at Loop Bar to celebrate Slut O’ween!