Cats Contained Canberra

Sunday, 18 November 2018 - 11:00am to 11:30am
A cat in its outdoor cage on the verandah

Cats kill one million birds in Australia every day. Beloved as pets, they are one of the greatest threat to Australian native wildlife. 

To protect birds, bettongs, skinks and lizards in “The Bush Capital”, all Canberra’s  new suburbs require 24 hour cat containment.  

This also cuts vet bills and helps neighbours get along.  We visit Di s place to look at her cat enclosure.

Find out why, when you or your child fall in love with a stray  cat,  you should catch, arrange to de-sex it and become its carer.   

Featuring bird songs from “A Morning in the Australian Bush” by Listening Earth

Earth Matters   #1166  was produced by Bec Horridge


Contact Kathy Eyles:  

Eyles/Mulvaney report:  "Responsible pet ownership and the protection of wildlife: Options for improving the management of cats in the ACT" 

Who should I contact about injured wildlife? The RSPCA has links to Wildlife carers around Australia  

Wildlife ACT  hot line for care of wildlife injured by cat attack in Canberra 0432 300 033  

Australian Capital Territory government page about cat containment with information about which suburbs where cat containment applies.  

Australian Capital Territory government page listing other regulations like desexing and micro-chippng, how many cars you can own etc.

Australian Capital Territory  page for surrender of semi-owned cats and to borrow a trap for nuisance stray cats 



A banner that's painted in the aboriginal flag colours. The banner says Always Was Always Will Be
Sunday 11:00am to 11:30am
Local and global environmental issues from grassroots, activist perspectives with a strong social justice focus. Distributed nationally on the Community Radio Network.


Bec Horridge, Jacob Gamble, Judith Peppard, Phil Evans
