7.00 am Acknowledgement of Country
7.05 am News headlines
7.10 am At the Imagining Abolition Conference a few weeks ago in Brisbane, Anya and George spoke to attendees about their thoughts on the conference (PART 1).
7.30 am At the Imagining Abolition Conference a few weeks ago in Brisbane, Anya and George spoke to attendees about their thoughts on the conference (PART 2).
7.50 am Kalu Oji, writer/director, tells us about his latest film project, Blackwood, and explains why self-love and empowerment are the key drivers of the film
8.15 am Joumanah El-Matrah, the CEO of the Australian Muslim Women’s Centre for Human Rights, discusses how AMCHR supports and promotes the well-being of Muslim women and shares tips on how we can tackle gender violence as part of the #16daysofactivism
8.30 am End
artist: Ruby Hunter
artist: Sam Cooke
artist: Charles Bradley and the Menahan Street Band