Social Connectivity - Choirs and Outreach, Pill Testing and the Montara Oil Spill

Wednesday, 6 February 2019 - 7:00am to 8:30am

7:00 Introduction and welcome back to Judith and Dean.

7:07 Alternative News headlines & a featured song "I can" feat. Radical Son, The Last Kinection.  

7:15 Greg Denham from Yarra Drug and Health Forum joins us in interview to discuss the need for Pill Testing at music festivals. Greg asserts  pill testing as primarily an exercise in education, raising awareness about what is in drugs and promoting greater safety when consuming substances. 

7:30 Interview with Lydia Griffiths, program, marketing & events coordinator at Creativity Australia talking about a recent bundle of grants being used to fund and implement community choirs  and the power behind collective voice, for connecting individuals and the community.

7:42 Featured song "Khumbaya" by mass choir Soweto. 

7:45   Revisiting 2018 with  'New Geographies of New Inequalities and Social Justice' a conference all about social justice. Judith talks  to  Dr Sharon McLennan  regarding her research in Cuban medical Cooperation, building community and health. 

7:58 Featured Song “Sista Girl” by the artist Oetha.

8:00 Interview with Theo Kartawajaya about his new research project, focusing on gaps in reporting  and media coverage of the Montara Oil Spill followed by an interview with Theo's Thesis coordinator Thor Kerr

8:15 Interview with Jesse Osowicki from North Western Melbourne Primary Health Network about two new tenders targeting  social isolation and those suffering from loneliness. 

8:27 Goodbyes and outro.