Honoring Women Fighting for Country

Saturday, 9 March 2019 - 10:00am to 10:30am

A special edition Radioactive Show this week for International  Women's Day, honoring the women at the forefront of many campaigns to stop the nuclear industry here in this country but also globally.  We dedicate this show to the staunch and solid women around the country and globally who fight hard every day, often some  for decades, often Traditional Owners to stop this toxic nuclear industry. 

We'll head over to Western Australia and hear from Tjiwarl traditional owner, Vicky Abdullah, a staunch activist, an applicant on the Yeelirrie legal challenge and the co-chair for the Australian Nuclear Free Alliance (ANFA) who tirelessly works for environmental justice for her people and community.  Together with her aunties, Shirley and Elizabeth Wonyabong, she is tireless in her work to stop the proposed Yeelirrie uranium mine, a great teacher and protector of her country.  Aunty Shirley, Lizzie and Vicky are on the Yeelirrie legal challenge, and Vicky speaks about the women in her life that inspire her.

Event: Wednesday, 13 March, 6.30‒8pm. Friends of the Earth, Melbourne Smith St Collingwood Speakers include KA Garlick, CCWA,  Dave Sweeney Australian Conservation Foundation and Dr Jim Green, Friends of the Earth who will speak and answer questions on the Yeelirrie legal challenge and the broader WA and national nuclear free campaigns! 

Yeelirrie Legal Challenge Information here. To donate click here. 

Environmental Defenders Office of WA. 





Saturday 10:00am to 10:30am
Current news and information on nuclear, peace and energy issues.


Emma Crunch, Michaela Stubbs, Sam Gibbard & Johan Kettle.
