This week with Eiddwen and Will [segment times in brackets] ||
3CR is proud to acknowledge the Kulin Nations as true owners and custodians of the lands from which we broadcast. We pay respect to their elders past and present and acknowledge that their sovereignty was never ceded and a treaty has yet to be signed ||
[22:15] Munanjahli and South Sea Islander academic Dr Chelsea Bond speaks to the Hey Aunty! podcast about her experiences of White Feminism and the shortfalls of mainstream feminism in adressing intersections of race and class ||
[36:11] On this week's episode of The Black Block, Robbie and Nick spoke with Dr Anne Poelina, Nyikina Traditional Custodian from the Mardoowarra, Lower Fitzroy River in the West Kimberley region of Western Australia about a campaign by traditional owners to protect the fitzroy River from invasive and explotative development. You can listen to The Black Block every week on 3CR Radio, Mondays at 11am. Follow the work of the Kimberly Land Council at their website ||
[50:40] The United States is currently engineering some sort of military confrontation with Iran and there's no reason for us to join them, claims Bevan from the Independent and Peaceful Australia Network. According to IPAN, Australia needs to stand on its own two feet and create its own foreign policy. Find out more about IPAN at their website ||
[1:07:25] Independent climate activist Tilly comes back on Wednesday Breakfast to tell us about her coming journey up to the protest camp against the Adani coalmine near Bowen, Queensland ||
Grace Hall, Sonia Randhawa