[21:57] A Bill of Rights? Listen to four legal professionals discuss the need for a human rights charter in so-called Australia. Gillian Triggs, Teela Reid, and Kristen Hilton discuss the use of a human rights charter and what needs to happen to get one off a ground. This is an excerpt of a longer conversation at the Wheeler Centre Right Time: why we need an Australian charter of human rights, facilitated by Lee Carnie of the Human Rights Law Centre ||
[34:45] Beyond the Bars: Every year in NAIDOC Week, 3CR broadcasts live from Victorian prisons, centering the voices of incarcerated First Nations people. Today, we listen to the thoughts and art of Indigenous people behind bars and hear how they keep their culture alive in spite of the violence of incarceration. Listen to previous Beyond the Bars broadcasts at 3cr.org.au/beyondthebars ||
[45:19] NAIDOC Week: National co-chair of the NAIDOC Committee John Paul Janke comes on the show to talk about the history of NAIDOC Week and its continuing significance. We also discuss this year's theme: Voice, Treaty, Truth ||
[1:12:16] Science and Engineering for Indigenous youth: Dr Janelle Weat (UNSW Science Deputy Dean of Education) and Derek Kinchela (Nura Gili Indigenous Students Programs) come on the show to tell us about UNSW's inaugural pre-program for Indigenous school-leavers starting in December this year. Nura Gili and UNSW Science are running a two week course to prepare students for life and undergraduate science or engineering. The course is free and includes transport and accommodation at UNSW's Kensington campus in Sydney. Find out more and apply at the Nura Gili website ||
Grace Hall, Sonia Randhawa