Melbourne Grand Prix of Cyclocross with Col Bell

Monday, 12 August 2019 - 10:00am to 10:30am

Val kicks off todays show with an excerpt from Susan Vreeland's Clara and Mr Tiffany as we warm up in the studio this morning. We are joined by studio guest Col Bell of Fields of Joy CX and Sunbury Cycling Club and all share our bicycle moments from the last week. We take a look at some news including Fiona Kolbinger's epic Transcontinental Race win and an upcoming meeting at Moreland Council where councillors will vote on whether to support a planned separated bike lane for Sydney Road. For information on how to contact Moreland Councillors and let them know they have your support check here or attend the meeting on Wednesday 14th at 7pm in the Council Chamber, Moreland Civic Centre, 90 Bell Street, Coburg.

Talk turns to cyclocross and the upcoming Melbourne Grand Prix of Cyclocross at Broadford on August 17 and 18th. Only the second cyclocross event at the Broadford venue Col tells us what the organisers learnt from the first event and what riders can expect from the course and venue. Registrations for Rounds 8 and 9 at Broadford close Wednesday August 14th at midnight. With the possibility of camping, heaps of elevation and venue facilities like toilets, showers and canteen the Melbourne GPCX looks to be an awesome weekend of  cx racing. As usual there will be support races for kids and an Open category so that everyone can enjoy racing, and features of the course will include a staircase, being built on Tuesday!


Yarra Bicycle Users Group Radio on 3CR
Monday 10:00am to 10:30am
Yarra Bicycle Users Group promotes urban cycling. Providing support to campaigns to improve cycling conditions and awareness; demystifies cycling technology and helps to reveal the diversity of cyclists, from children to commuters to lobbyists.


Chris, Faith, Val and Steve
